Vegan Link
How to cook
Our vegan link sausages are best cooked in olive oil by pan frying in their natural vegan casings for 7-8 minutes on a medium heat. Once golden brown remove casings (if desired) carefully and enjoy.
Serving suggestions
Our vegan link are great on a full cooked vegan breakfast, cut into slices they are a wonderful addition in all pasta dishes, Our personal favourite is vegan sausage casserole, loaded with carrots and onion in a homemade gravy.
How to cook
Our vegan lorne slices are easily cooked in a pan with some olive oil on a medium heat for 7-8 minutes or until golden brown.
Serving suggestions
Our vegan lorne is a great addition to any breakfast or keep it simple and serve on a traditional morning roll with your favourite sauce. Is it red or brown?

How to cook
Our vegan bacon is easily cooked once again in a lightly oiled pan on low to medium heat for 2-3 minutes slightly longer for a crispier texture. .
Serving suggestions
Its got to be a vegan BLT smothered in vegan mayo and fresh crispy iceberg lettuce, topped with fresh tomato slices. Our vegan bacon can also be used in home made vegan carbonara.

How to cook
Our vegan roast is oven ready, wrapped in foil just waiting to be popped into a pre heated oven at 180℃ for 25-30 minutes. After the essential 30 minutes of cooking remove from oven and open up foil and place into oven at a reduced temperature of 140℃ for a further 5 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven and let the roast stand for 10-15 minutes before slicing to your desired thickness.
Serving suggestions
The roast goes so well with a home made gravy, roast potatoes, vegan Yorkshire puddings and seasonal root vegetables.(Tip: We slice ours reasonably thin).
How to cook
Our vegan burgers are once again best pan fried with some olive oil for 7 - 8 minutes on a medium heat 3 - 4 minutes each side.
Serving suggestions
Load your burger on to a vegan bun with fresh lettuce and tomato add a splash of vegan mayo or tomato sauce, our favourite is sweet chilli sauce. (Tip: Add two rashers of our vegan bacon and a slice of vegan cheese).

Bourbon Frankfurters
How to cook
Our franks are best cooked on the BBQ for 5-7 mins brushed lightly with oil, or in a frying pan with a touch of oil for 7-8 minutes, once golden brown we’d advise to carefully remove their vegan casings.
Serving suggestions
Serve with sautéed onions, American mustard or Ketchup.

Piri Piri Dusted Seitan Kebabs
How to cook
Our kebabs are a great addition to any BBQ, brush lightly with a little oil and sprinkle with the piri piri seasoning, cook them for 5-7 minutes until chargrilled.
Serving suggestions
The kebabs are best served with pitta bread and a fresh garden salad.

Sweet Chilli & Jalapeño Link
How to cook
Our sweet chilli & jalapeño sausages are again best cooked on the BBQ lightly brushed in oil for 5-7 mins until golden brown, like the franks we find them best served with the vegan casing removed (though totally optional).
Serving suggestions
Serve with sautéed onions, American mustard or Ketchup.